Sexual Addiction
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What is sexual addiction?


The term “sexual addiction” describes an individual having an unusual fascination with or fixation on sex. Constant daydreaming about sex takes over and controls an addict’s thinking, making it challenging to work or manage healthy personal relationships. Despite the possibility that their actions may eventually carry serious and/or harmful consequences, sex addicts often indulge in a variety of high-risk, acting-out behaviors.

What are the effects of sexual addiction?

Sex addicts often find themselves having compulsive thoughts about sex and excessively engaging in behaviors like phone sex, cybersex or pornography. Individuals struggling with sex addiction will usually find only slight or limited satisfaction in their sexual activities and develop little or no real attachment to their sex partners. As a result, sex addicts often are bombarded by feelings of guilt, shame and poor self-esteem. These feelings are most often accompanied by broken relationships, divided families and problems at work.

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